

The road to recovery

starts here


Physical/Occupational Therapy

Have you had a recent or recurrent fall? Have you stopped doing activities you once enjoyed? Do you limit outings due to unsteadiness, fear of falling or pain? Have you had a recent surgery or illness and “don’t get around” like you used to? Do you have difficulty getting up from sitting, getting up off the floor, or walking up/down stairs? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, or have any other joint or muscle pain, then you could benefit from seeing a Physical Therapist.

We specialize in a wide range of treatment options for our patients, including:

  • Injury prevention & exercise programs

  • Reconditioning exercises after hospitalization or injury

  • Deconditioning prevention and exercise programs

  • Neurological rehabilitation & stroke/CVA recovery

  • Balance training/fall prevention

  • Post-surgical and post-injury care

  • Treatment of orthopedic and neurological conditions

  • Continued care after home health


LSVT BIG trains people with Parkinson disease (PD) to use their body more normally. People living with PD or other neurological conditions often move differently, with gestures and actions that become smaller and slower. They may have trouble with getting around, getting dressed and with other activities of daily living. LSVT BIG effectively trains improved movements for any activity, whether “small motor” tasks like buttoning a shirt or “large motor” tasks like getting up from sofa or chair or maintaining balance while walking. The treatment improves walking, self-care and other tasks by helping people “recalibrate” how they perceive their movements with what others actually see. It also teaches them how and when to apply extra effort to produce bigger motions – more like the movements of everyone around them.

Associative Awareness Technique (AAT)

Associative awareness technique is an artful, healing approach to physical, emotional, or perceived trauma, based on years of neuro, and cognitive behavior sciences. With any trauma, the body bears the burden. AAT allows us to assist the nervous system in discharging trauma, and restoring homeostasis in the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This reduces the physical manifestations of trauma, such as pain, muscle tension, fatigue, headaches, or trigger points. AAT can help in recovery from chronic pain, trauma, stress, anxiety and depression.

Wellness and Aftercare Programs

Patients at Home Stretch Physical Therapy have the opportunity to continue their training and rehabilitation program with their personal physical therapist, even if their insurance benefits are exhausted. Home Stretch offers aftercare, fitness and wellness programs. These programs allow a patient to continue the rehab programs they were receiving during therapy, to assure overall wellness and to prevent future injuries, falls and decline in mobility. A licensed physical therapist will design customized progressive one-on-one exercise programs.

Home Safety Assessments

Thinking about adding safety grab bars, a raised toilet seat or other modifications to prevent falls in your home? Our therapists provides home safety assessments and will make clinically guided fall prevention recommendations, as well as create a customized plan to fit your individual needs.

Purchasing what you need is only half the solution, knowing what you need and where it should be placed (based on your health, environment and other factors) is critical. Home Safety Assessments for fall prevention should be your first step in preventing falls in your home.

Our clinically guided solutions will ensure that you and your loved ones can navigate your home environment safely and with confidence.

As a reminder we offer both in-home or in-office outpatient therapy!

Would you like to add outpatient rehab services to your retirement community? Contact us to find out about how our rehabilitation and wellness services can help your residents maximize their function, safety, and quality of life and allow them to successfully age in place.